Are you tired of having thousands of spam messages in your email just because you posted your email address in your blog or any site? Then this tweak is for you but before I give the remedy to that problem let me give you a short background on how these spam messages work.
Spam messages are delivered to you using spambots or spam robots. These spambots are automated computer programs that assist in sending spam. Spambots gather the information from blogs or sites like crawlers in search engines. They crawl and try to find email addresses found in that page. They are using regular expressions and other search methods in finding your email. Email hostings like yahoo and gmail use ways to block these spams but some of these messages can get through and you get annoying emails.
I found two ways of preventing your email to be found by these spambots.
- One way of doing this is changing your @ symbol to @ . Both are the same and it works well.
<a href="mailto:accountName@domain.com">Email me</a>
- The other one is a bit complicated but you don't need to understand all of it. This method uses javascript to obfuscate your email or simply an email obfuscator. You can go to the link below to obfuscate your email. Works great!
But why am i posting this? Is this relevant to Search Engine Optimization? Yes it is relevant. With your blog coming to the top, these spambots will notice you and will begin to crawl your site. This can be harmful to you and to your readers who are posting their email addresses in their comments. If they found out that these spams originated from your blog then worst case scenario is that you'll reputation will be put at risk. Happy blogging. :D