Things you shouldn't do in Blogging

Blogging is not freedom, just like any other activities there are rules or things you shouldn't do. And neglecting the things you should do as a blogger could jeopardize your income or even your reputation as a blogger.
This is again the list of things you should remember in blogging and don't forget to take action.

  1. Do not neglect the comments of your readers
    This is the top NO thing you shouldn't do because blogging is about communication. A communication of blogger and readers is like the holy grail of Blog. If you as a blogger can't entertain the queries or comments of the readers then there is no purpose for you to post articles. Your reputation is at risk here.
  2. Do not neglect the feedbacks
    These feedbacks are sometimes sent to you via email or private messages(pm) concerning your blog or anything. These feedbacks can range from normal suggestion to wild reactions or complaints. Don't neglect them because they are your audience and they have the right to do so. But sometimes it gets out of hand and when that time comes, weigh things first and make a quick decision.
  3. Do not take long breaks
    Human as we are, we make mistakes and sometimes can't remember the things we should do. But don't make this as an excuse for you to take a break in blogging, unless you want to stop blogging. t_T You can avoid taking long breaks by using timestamps in blogs but blogger doesn't seem to have this kind of feature. You can also try posting an article saying you'll be on hiatus for a while if you're really wanting that break.
  4. Always respect your readers
    In the world that we're in, respect is everything. Everything that we say reflects our personality therefore we should be careful with it. Although number 4 and 1 are the same, bloggers should always remember to respect and respect its readers.

With great blog comes great responsibility.
With great readers comes great income. :D


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