Protect your email address from SPAM robots

Are you tired of having thousands of spam messages in your email just because you posted your email address in your blog or any site? Then this tweak is for you but before I give the remedy to that problem let me give you a short background on how these spam messages work.
Spam messages are delivered to you using spambots or spam robots. These spambots are automated computer programs that assist in sending spam. Spambots gather the information from blogs or sites like crawlers in search engines. They crawl and try to find email addresses found in that page. They are using regular expressions and other search methods in finding your email. Email hostings like yahoo and gmail use ways to block these spams but some of these messages can get through and you get annoying emails.
I found two ways of preventing your email to be found by these spambots.

  1. One way of doing this is changing your @ symbol to @ . Both are the same and it works well.
    <a href="mailto:accountName&#64;">Email me</a>

  2. The other one is a bit complicated but you don't need to understand all of it. This method uses javascript to obfuscate your email or simply an email obfuscator. You can go to the link below to obfuscate your email. Works great!

But why am i posting this? Is this relevant to Search Engine Optimization? Yes it is relevant. With your blog coming to the top, these spambots will notice you and will begin to crawl your site. This can be harmful to you and to your readers who are posting their email addresses in their comments. If they found out that these spams originated from your blog then worst case scenario is that you'll reputation will be put at risk. Happy blogging. :D

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Weekly Hack: Show your Live Stats

If you want to impress your readers that you've posted numerous articles then this widget is for you.

Total Posts: 2654
Total Comments: 3235

Follow the steps and you'll be amazed to what this widget can do. :D
  1. Click Layout > Page Element > Add a Gadget
  2. Find the HTML/Javascript and click add.
  3. Copy the code below and paste it there.
    <script style="text/javascript">
    function numberOfPosts(json) {
    document.write('Total Posts: <b>' + json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t + '</b><br>');
    function numberOfComments(json) {
    document.write('Total Comments: <b>' + json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t + '</b><br>');
    <font color="black"><script src="yourblogurl/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=numberOfPosts"></script>
    <script src="yourblogurl/feeds/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=numberOfComments"></script></font>

  4. Replace yourblogurl with your link
  5. Save

You can tweak it if you like. :p

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Things you shouldn't do in Blogging

Blogging is not freedom, just like any other activities there are rules or things you shouldn't do. And neglecting the things you should do as a blogger could jeopardize your income or even your reputation as a blogger.
This is again the list of things you should remember in blogging and don't forget to take action.

  1. Do not neglect the comments of your readers
    This is the top NO thing you shouldn't do because blogging is about communication. A communication of blogger and readers is like the holy grail of Blog. If you as a blogger can't entertain the queries or comments of the readers then there is no purpose for you to post articles. Your reputation is at risk here.
  2. Do not neglect the feedbacks
    These feedbacks are sometimes sent to you via email or private messages(pm) concerning your blog or anything. These feedbacks can range from normal suggestion to wild reactions or complaints. Don't neglect them because they are your audience and they have the right to do so. But sometimes it gets out of hand and when that time comes, weigh things first and make a quick decision.
  3. Do not take long breaks
    Human as we are, we make mistakes and sometimes can't remember the things we should do. But don't make this as an excuse for you to take a break in blogging, unless you want to stop blogging. t_T You can avoid taking long breaks by using timestamps in blogs but blogger doesn't seem to have this kind of feature. You can also try posting an article saying you'll be on hiatus for a while if you're really wanting that break.
  4. Always respect your readers
    In the world that we're in, respect is everything. Everything that we say reflects our personality therefore we should be careful with it. Although number 4 and 1 are the same, bloggers should always remember to respect and respect its readers.

With great blog comes great responsibility.
With great readers comes great income. :D

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Blogging Frustrations and Tips on How to Reduce them

Dont' know what to post in your blog anymore? Ever imagined quitting? Well worry no more because I am offering you tips on what to post.

Forgive me for my first paragraph (It sounded good that's why I included it). Anyway, frustrations in posting a topic on your blog is a tedious task and needs a lot of patience and time. These frustrations may increase your level of stress hindering you to post a good article. In posting an article your thoughts, creativity, and writing should flow freely and without tension. Well, here's a list of what to do to prevent frustrations in posting. Hope this helps.

  1. Make an outline
    Always bear in mind that sentence construction isn't enough. You need a good overall construction or outline. In making an outline, major topics are listed and sub-topics are listed below major topics. In this manner the readers or the writer won't have a hard time reading or writing. There would be a well organized flow of thought and it could also help you find errors in your post.
  2. Watch how your body reacts when frustrated
    When you get frustrated, think of what you are doing and reassess things as to why you get frustrated. Some people tense their neck or jaw when they get frustrated. It may not be the same to all of us but this is not a good sign. Don't let your anger or frustration ruin everything. Remember to breath deep and use your hands in making a circular motion around your chest. And sometimes I jump and shout to let my frustrations go, at least that's how I do it.
  3. Redirect your thought and stop for a while
    When everything gets out of hand and you can't control it, find someone that can talk to you over or if you're alone and no one is there to redirect your frustration then go out and do something. You can try playing basketball or frisbee. If not, then try boxing I'm sure that would take your frustrations.

These things doesn't just apply in blogging, you can also do these when you write essays, research paper, or any other activities that involves writing. Enjoy writing and don't let anything hinder you from doing it.

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Weekly Hack: Add a Google Translate Widget in your Blogger

Time for the first weekly hack or tips and tricks for blogger. Not all people in this world can speak and understand English well so you need to have a translator for every language in the globe. Google can help you do that with the use of Google Translate. The steps below will help you to add a widget in Blogger.

  1. Go to your Dashboard > Layout > Add a Page Element > HTML/Javascript
  2. Paste the code below

  3. Add a Title to the Widget.
  4. Then SAVE

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Quick Review: Top Factors of SEO

This is just a quick post to help us remind the factors that affect the ranking of our website or blog in search engines. In making a blog, always be reminded of the positive and negative factors in SEO.

Top Five Positive Factors
  1. Keyword Use in Title Tag
  2. Global Link Popularity of Site
  3. Anchor Text of Inbound Link
  4. Link Popularity within the Site
  5. Age of Site
Top Five Negative Factors
  1. Server is Often Inaccessible to Bots
  2. Content Very Similar or Duplicate of Existing Content on the Index
  3. External Links to Low Quality/Spam sites
  4. Participation in Link Schemes or Actively Selling Links
  5. Duplicate Title/Meta Tags on Many Pages

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Get More Traffic Using Google Images

As what I've discussed in some of my posts, getting traffic for your website or blog is one of the main goal in achieving a high revenues. You can do this by using Google Image Search, which is a tool to easily find images in the net by using phrases or keywords just like an ordinary web search.
A lot of people are using Google Image Search for a varied purposes, whether it is entertainment or pictures of cars.
Highly relevant images shows up at the top of Google Image Search which sends the owner of the site a great deal of traffic. And if you as a blogger can be on that list then it would be pretty good for you.

Google Images Search Optimization is much alike with the basic search optimization such as relevant keywords to the content and title. But Image Search Optimization has its own unique factors that affect the ranking of these images. Listed below is a list of tips on how you optimize your images for better traffic.

  • Use keywords in your 'alt' text
    This is the basic of all image optimization tricks. You should always insert a phrase or a keyword in the alt text of the image. But always be sure that it is relevant to the content of the site. Example: <img src="file.jpg" alt="alt description here" >
  • Use anchor text keywords in links to images
    When you have an image that has a link, let's say for example an image of harry potter which links to a full view of the picture itself that say's "click here to see full view". The phrase itself is general and doesn't help in optimization, instead use "Harry Potter in Azkaban" or "Harry Potter Photo".
  • Use descriptive titles in naming images
    If you have an image of Optimus Prime dancing that has a filename of "Image0012.jpg" rename it to something like "Optimus-Prime-dancing.jpg" or "Optimus-dances.jpg". You can also rename the file that is the same with your alt text.
  • Widen the categories of your images
    When you broaden the categories of your images it gives you more traffic. For example you have a blog which is all about Naruto, use other images like anime's that are alike with Naruto or any other anime that relates to Naruto. In this way the incoming traffic would probably be looking for some anime images. Remember, more traffic means more money.
  • Use relevant texts or phrases around the image
    Take into consideration the texts around the image. Be sure to have a description of over 20+ characters below the image and make the text in bold.
These things are just the basic of Image Search Optimization. You can search the web for more advanced tips like putting adsense around the image, submitting your images to Google, making a page for every image in your site, etc. Don't just stop here, learn, learn, and don't forget to earn. :D

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Earn Money in Blogging

Earn Money in bloggingI've been blogging for 3 years now and since that time all the things that I've been thinking is post, post, and post while learning. But it all changed when I got bored and tried making money from it. Why not post, learn, and earn at the same time?

Making money for most things that we do is always the goal for some of us especially bloggers, but most of us invested a lot of time and even money in disappointing results. As you keep searching for answers in Google and other search engines pertaining to earning money while blogging, you get confused as to what are the basics of earning. What are the ways to earn? In this article I'll just enumerate the things that would generate money from your blog. I'll post more detailed reviews on each ways of earning in future posts. So stay tuned. :D

  • Advertising Programs
    This is the most basic of all ways in making money. Aside from its popularity in many users, setting up you own ads is easy. Here are some advertising programs you can choose. Don't forget to signup for each program and set the ads correctly.
    Google AdsenseText-Link-Ads Blogads

  • Donate Button for your Blog
    This is not as easy as the previous way of making money but it gives you a few dollars. You'll just have to make a donation link either to your paypal or bank account but all these things are not a guarantee for you to earn. Just make some useful topics for your visitors and surely some will be eager to donate money.

  • Affiliate Marketing
    It's quite the same with advertising programs but it works in many ways. Some give you a banner to post in your blog and if visitors click these banners then you earn. You also earn when they register to their website and get 5% to 50% of commission from whatever they buy on that website.

  • Sell Advertising Space on your Blog
    Why not make your own blog earn for you? You can do this by selling advertising spaces in your blog. You are given a freedom to sell your blog to advertisers by giving them a specified adspace like a banner or just text links. Now you can make your own adsense-like blog. You can sell your space here

  • And Sell Products on your Blog like ebay
    Ecommerce is one of the newest innovation in the internet and you need to make a good use of it by selling your own products on your blog. It can be a product related to your blog, downloadable applications, written documents like term paper, books or e-books, and anything you can imagine. You can even have a bidding system in your blog, it's up to you but you have to first consider the traffic going to your blog before selling anything.

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